Parish Council - Meetings


The Parish Council holds six Ordinary General Meetings (OGM) a year, including an Annual Meeting (AM) in May. In addition an Annual Parish Meeting (APM) is held in March. Meetings are held in May, July, September, November, January and March in the Village Hall on Monday nights at 7pm. For dates see the Calendar.

Extra-ordinary General Meetings (EGM) may be held to consider urgent matters. This is often to consider planning applications where a response is required to meet a consultation deadline.

All residents are welcome to attend meetings, and may raise issues before the meetings start. Agendas are posted on the website and on the noticeboard on the village hall at least 3 days before a meeting. Minutes are posted within one month of a meeting.

Minutes & Agenda

Click on the links in the table below to read the agendas/minutes.


  • Minutes are published in Draft form and are subject to approval at the subsequent meeting;
  • Financial Reports are normally incorporated into the Agenda for the relevant meeting;
  • To search the minutes select the Search option from the Menu at the top of the page, and specify your search using your search term followed by "inurl:meetings", eg: "sewage inurl:meetings".


Date Type Agenda Minutes
22 Jan OGM
11 Mar OGM
16 Mar APM
25 Mar EGM
13 May AM
29 May EGM
1 July OGM


Date Type Agenda Minutes
17 Jan OGM
13 Mar OGM
18 Mar APM
15 May AM
3 Jul OGM
4 Sep OGM
13 Nov OGM


Date Type Agenda Minutes
17 Jan OGM
14 Mar OGM
19 Mar APM
9 May AGM
9 May OGM
4 Jul OGM
5 Sep OGM
3 Oct EGM
14 Nov OGM


Date Type Agenda Minutes
18 Jan OGM
15 Mar OGM
29 Mar APM
3 May AGM
3 May OGM
5 Jul OGM
6 Sep OGM
3 Nov EGM
15 Nov OGM


Date Type Agenda Minutes
20 Jan OGM
16 Mar OGM
30 Apr EGM
11 May OGM
6 Jul OGM
7 Sep OGM
14 Sep EGM
16 Nov OGM
7 Dec EGM


Date Type Agenda Minutes
21 Jan OGM
18 Mar OGM
8 Apr EGM
11 Apr APM
13 May AGM
13 May OGM
1 Jul EGM
8 Jul OGM
10 Aug EGM
9 Sep OGM
8 Nov OGM


Date Type Agenda Minutes
16 Jan OGM
17 Mar APM
19 Mar OGM
14 May AGM
14 May OGM
9 Jul OGM
10 Sep OGM
19 Nov OGM


Date Type Agenda Minutes
23 Jan OGM
20 Mar OGM
14 May AGM
14 May OGM
3 Jul OGM
11 Sep OGM
7 Dec EGM
21 Dec EGM


Date Type Agenda Minutes
25 Jan OGM
21 Mar OGM
25 Mar APM
16 May AGM
16 May OGM
11 Jul OGM
9 Sep OGM
21 Nov OGM


Date Type Agenda Minutes
26 Jan OGM
23 Mar OGM
23 Mar APM
18 May AGM
18 May OGM
13 Jul OGM
7 Sep OGM
16 Nov OGM