Priston Bell Ringers
- see the certificate for the Quarter Peal rung for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee;
- A peal will be rung on Saturday 15th July from 10.00am until approximately 1.00pm. This is a Wedding compliment from the ringers to a couple who are being married at the Mill that day.
Ringing in Priston Tower
About us
We are a friendly group, drawn from Priston and neighbouring villages.
We practise in Priston Church on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm, and ring before the Sunday morning church service, for weddings (for which we get paid!) and on other special occasions.
We also occasionally ring in neighbouring church towers and welcome visiting ringers to Priston.
How to join us
Bell ringing is a great way of maintaining physical and mental agility through team-work, while at the same time preserving a centuries-old tradition.
If you are interested in learning more about bell-ringing, and fancy joining us in the Priston ringing-chamber, please contact Jill Wilkinson (our Tower Captain) on 01761 470773 or at Free tuition is available if you are new to bell-ringing.
The bells
There are 7 bells in the tower:
- Fixed bell - c. 1450-1500 (6cwt.)
Experts think this was the work of Robert Hendley of Gloucester. It bears the inscription "HELPOVS ANDREV WEBIDDITNYE EVREBY FORYE TRINITE". A possible translation is "Help us Andrew, we biddeth ye, ever/hereby for your Trinity". The bell was hung for full circle ringing until 1980, when it was found to be unsafe to ring in that manner, so it is now hung "dead" ie fixed, and struck by a chiming hammer on the outside. See How old is that bell?
- 1st (Treble) - 1811 (5cwt.) Cast by Thomas Mears of London,, and recast in 1906 - originally presented to the church by William Vaughan, Lord of the Manor.
- 2nd - 1640 (4cwt.) Originally cast by John Lott of Warminster, and recast in 1866. The benefactor was H.W. Hammond, a relation of the Rector John Hammond (1820-1860).
- 3rd - 1980 - (7cwt.) Donated by an anonymous benefactor in 1980, and founded by John Taylor of Loughborough.
- 4th - 1684 (8cwt.) Cast by John Lott, presumed to be the son of the founder of the 2nd bell.
- 5th - 1755 (10cwt.) Cast by Abel Rudhall of Gloucester
- 6th (Tenor) - 1612 (18¼ cwt.) - also recorded as 13¼ cwt Attributed to Robert Purdue of Bristol.
Useful links