Family History

Memorials to Vaughan-Jenkins family
Memorials to Vaughan-Jenkins family in Priston Church

Contact us if you have a query or information to provide about your Priston roots.


Last Updated Family Details
Sep 2011 JEANES
(from Norm Jeanes of Australia) My name is Norm Jeanes from Melbourne, Australia and I am trying to trace my family tree. My G/G/G/G/G/Great grandfather was born in Priston about 1720. His name was Christopher Jeanes and Married Elizabeth Anstee (or Anstie) in Chewton Mendip on 30 May 1744. I was wondering if you have any records relating to Christopher Jeanes (or any other Jeanes). I would certainly appreciate your reply.
(from Tim Hughes) Below are entries of burials of the Jeanes family from my copy of the burial register 1813 onwards.
Name Year Age Date Buried
Susannah Jeanes 1818 90 28 June
Thomas 1820 82 4 Dec
George 1822 43 1 Aug
Mary 1826 89 28 Dec
Elizabeth 1827 87 9 Dec
John 1828 91 17 April
Christopher 1849 73 18 June
Christopher Jeanes was church warden at Priston his name appears on a lead tablet on the top of the tower, when the roof was renewed in 1754, since renewed in the 1950's, his name also appears inscribed on one of the bells in the tower.
Note:- All earlier records pertaining to Priston Church, birth, marriages etc are at the County Records Office in Taunton.
(from Cynthia Crocker née Janes)
My uncle (Ira Janes) did extensive research into the Jeanes family and I am attaching a chart drawn up from that.  Norm Jeanes is descended from Isaac Jeans & Sarah Thatcher.  Isaac was the brother of my ggg grandmother Mary Ann (or Marianne) Jeanes.  Her son, George, my gg grandfather, was born out of wedlock, and was christened George 'Jeanes' but somehow this changed to 'Janes' in his later years.
 My grandfather, Oliver Janes, was the founder and first conductor of Timsbury Male Voice Choir.  His elder son, Kenneth, my father, was the second conductor.  It is only by chance that we ended up with the surname 'Janes'.  If my gg grandfather had adopted his mother's married name, it would have been 'Ford'.
(from Frances Nelson)
I've been researching the Miles Family of Englishcombe and my Great Grandfather x 3 married Esther Jeanes from Priston in Englishcombe church in 1803.  I've tried to do some research on Ester but found it difficult to find out her age as she was baptised on the same day as her marriage.  This appears to be a second marriage for George and he was in his 50s but Esther must have been younger as she went on to have 4 children.  I know her parents from the baptism records were Benjamin Jeanes and Hannah Vowls from Priston.   I've seen a very interesting tree on your website for the Jeanes family & wondered if there may be a connection with Benjamin?
(from Judith Upton, OPC Englishcombe.)
Just wanted to point out that the marriage in Englishcombe on the 30th May 1803 was between Charles MILES (not George MILES) and Hester JANES:  Banns of marriage between Charles Miles and Hester Janes were published in this church on the 3 following Sundays.  15, 22 and 29 days of May.    Charles Miles of this parish and Hester Janes of this parish were married in this church by Banns this 30th day of May one thousand eight hundred and three by me John Batchelor, Vicar.    Neither signed.  Witnesses Thos. Bendy and Jas. Milsom.
Hester Miles was buried in Englishcombe the 23 Mar 1815 aged 42 years.

(from Frances Nelson)
Hi, I've been researching my family tree and found that back in the 16 to 1700s my great grandfather x 6 had long leases on a piece of land I would like to ask if anyone knows where this piece of land called Haselands Woods still exists?

(from Richard Bottle) If you look at the 1991 Farm Landscape Survey Map, there is an area called Hazelland to the South of the lane which runs to the West of the village towards Farmborough.
The 1991 Farm Survey mentions Hazelland Wood at the bottom of page 12, and indicates the wood disappeared in the 17th Century. This what3words link marks the positon of Hazelland (use the Aerial Photograph view by clicking on the icon at the Bottom Right Hand of the screen)

For further references to the MILES family see the MILES family.
If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.

Mar 2023 MILES

My name is Roger Irving, husband of Vicki Miles.

We are in NSW, Australia and are undertaking a comprehensive research and review of Vicki Miles' family. Her 2nd great grandparents, Charles & Mary (Weston) Miles left Priston and sailed to Victoria Australia in 1854 on board the “Marshall Bennett” with about 180 other emigrants arriving as assisted passengers. We are confident that we have more than 90% of all descendants from their marriage researched and recorded.

Four generations earlier, in December 1727, Vicki’s 6th great grandparents John Miles and Hannah Wilkins were married in Priston Somerset at St Lukes. We know that Hannah was from Compton Martin and that her parents were Thomas and Honor Wilkins. We now think we have more than 90% of four generations of descendants from John and Hannah’s marriage researched and recorded. We have had some wonderful assistance from distant cousins; and the Online Parish Clerk which is a marvellous research tool.

The primary mystery is the origin of John Miles.

For instance, how did Daniel Miles, (1809-1835) a member of the North Somerset Regiment of Yeomanry meet his end and why were more than 7,000 people reported to be at his funeral in Twerton? Daniel was a 2nd great grandson of John & Hannah Miles.

We have started building this tree starting with John Miles on WikiTree:

When Charles and Mary Miles arrived in Victoria in 1854 it wasn’t because they were chasing the Gold Rush – they had organised sponsors with guaranteed work for guaranteed conditions and wages with assistance from both Governments and an agency. We know exactly the path Charles and his sons had to take before he was granted farming land that he owned – more than 30 years after he landed at Geelong Victoria Australia.

I would like to find with this research all sorts of information, such as: who did the Miles folk from the early 18th Century work for? What farms and living abodes did they have and how were they allocated? What jobs and skills did they have and acquire? Who were the midwives? Did John arrive in Priston in 1727 on a horse?

For further references to the MILES family see the JEANES family.
If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.

Jun 2022 GOULD (from Charles Gould)

I have a number of photographs of Priston from the past, including the gilding of the cockerel in the 1950s which I have attached. We also have some colour film clips of village scenes, converted from cine film from the 50s and 60s. These and other snaps taken around the village may be of interest to today’s residents or to a village history group or others. I would be happy to send these on as and when I transfer them to a suitable format for the web.

My parents, Ralph and Kay Gould, owned Rockhill House and latterly Willow Green Cottage in the 50s and early 60s. I lived there in the very early years of my life until 1966, having been born in December 1961. My parents converted both these houses, I think - certainly Rockhill House - before moving into Willow Green Cottage. The family has a number of pictures of those conversions, particularly, Rockhill House, if that is the semi-detached cottage on the right as you look at the three from the gate at the bottom of the hill. At the time there was no electricity or running water there. My father worked in Bristol for Shell Mex & BP, as the oil companies were then named, so he had oil-fired central heating installed during the conversion. In the middle house was a lady called Mrs Foulks who had no teeth and fingers missing from one hand as she had been careless with a meat slicer. Strange the things remembered from young childhood! I wondered if copies of the pictures taken during conversion might be of interest to the current owners and I am happy for my email address to be passed on. I have yet to scan the Rockhill House photographs but attach one of Willow Green Cottage. I can just be glimpsed on my elder half-brother’s knee!

I have been researching family history and visited the village a few years ago to see if I could find the grave of my paternal grandmother, Mathilde Gould who was buried in the churchyard in September 1956 but sadly I was unsuccessful. I was christened in the church and it was an odd but warm feeling to look around the interior that I had seen in the photographs. Teddy and Margy List of Applecot were my Godparents and I remember staying with them on numerous occasions when we revisited after moving away to Cornwall. I think they moved to Bath in the late 1970s. Toddlerhood friends were Paul and Mark Kidson whose family lived in one of the ‘new’ bungalows and my mother had a home help called Christine. I mention this in passing in case there is anyone for whom this little tale might ring a few bells

(further response . . . )

The scans from Our Millennium Book are fascinating and confirm my memory of the lady next door – Mrs Foulks. Also the reference to a previous owner of Rockhill House who had bought some land from the local farmer to make a driveway – that was my father, Ralph who bought the land. No 16 was/is Willow Green Cottage as in the photo I included. There is also an original set of estate agent’s details for one of the two houses. I will look them out and copy them.

(from Tim Hughes)

I remember the Gould family very well , He ran at least two film shows at Church fetes, Shell/Mex Films very interesting, Mrs Gould was a member of the W.I. They lived in no 18. to start with . I remember when carol singing we were always invited in to their kitchen for mince pies standing close to their Aga range. They, I remember, were thought to be very well off, only the Manor House had the only other Aga, in the village! They were very nice people and fitted in to village life very well. The Kitsons lived in Summerlea, [Groves] The Lists ,moved to Bath and had a flat on Bathwick Hill now sadly both gone, Both ladies were also in the W.I. The photos are interesting - Kelston Lippiatt, and Jim Nokes. I see your mother, right, of the two ladies. I would be most interested in any photos. I have a large collection witch I have built up over the years, I have put on slide shows in the village, another one is due I'm told !

Parish Records show:

  • Mathilde Ann Gould, Age 84 Buried 14 Sept 1956 Unmarked. A.F.Bell Rector.
  • Baptism . Charles Philip Allen D.O.B. 22 Dec 1961. Father Ralph Graham, Mother Kathleen May, D.E.F. Marshall P in Charge, [Farmborough]

If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.

Mar 2021 HAMMOND (from David Byrne)


I love your village and often walk through it and come to your village events when I can.

I don't know if the village is aware that two very distinguished people were born in Priston. They were Henry and Robert Hammond. They were born in the Old Rectory in 1866 and 1868 respectively.

Their grandfather was the vicar of St Luke and St Andrew from 1820. Between them they collected over 900 folk songs, on their bicycles, in Somerset, Dorset, Wiltshire and Hampshire in the years 1905 - 1908. This was the second largest collection of folk songs other than Cecil Sharp's. There have been a number of books of the songs they collected published.

Incidentally, Henry was also capped for England in football. He played at right back in the international against Scotland in 1889. They lost and he was not picked again. He was, for a short time, Director General of Education in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). We also now know that Robert was in the the Cape Rifles at the turn of the century and served in the Boer War.

If you would like more information on their lives, please let me know.

With best wishes

David Byrne
PS I think a blue plaque should be put by the gate to the rectory!

See Hammond family photos provided by David Byrne.
See their folksong notebooks in the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library.

If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.
Oct 2020

(from Oliver Gray)
I was intrigued to discover the entries below from Francis Green and Bob Feltham re the Green & Gray families, and to find out the first name of my ancestor Thomas Gray's wife.

I am enclosing the scanned family tree which I have in my possession which shows the father Thomas Gray born in Priston who married Louisa Mitchell at St Lawrence church Stanton Prior (where Louisa was from) and their daughter is the Elisabeth Gray who married Edward Green. My father has in his possession the family bible of Esau Gray (born in Bath so did the family move to Bath?) who was the brother of Elisabeth and you see the 11 children he had. In the bible the last entry says underlined twice the last. They moved to Wales. I thought you might find this useful to complete the part re the Gray family.

(from Francis Green) I am living in Carmarthenshire West Wales. I am looking for information on my ancestor John Green born abt 1800 in Priston, and his wife Martha Wilkins born abt 1804 in Midsomer Norton. They were married in Priston on the 19 July 1821. Also John and Martha's son Edward W Green born abt 1825 married Elizabeth Gray born 1830 from another Priston family. The head of the family was Thomas Gray born abt 1804 in Wilts. His wife's name was Louisa Mitchell born in Staunton Prior abt 1806 . Any information would be appreciated. Best regards. Francis Green.

(from Bob Feltham)
I found this info on the Bath BMD that might be of some use to Francis Green and the Green family line.

Bath Birth indexes for the years: 1841
Surname Forename(s) Sub-District Registers At Mother's Maiden Name Reference
GREEN Pheobe Newton Keynsham Bath WILKINS

See information on the Hart family and the Gibbs family for further info re the Green family.
If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.
Sep 2016 YOUNG (from Wayne & Donna Brown of Australia) I would like to ask your advice. I am interested in Priston history, particularly my Young family who were yeoman farmers and leased Priston Manor Farm and Priston Mill farm (are these the same ?) from the mid- 1700s onward, I understand. One of the leases was by John Young in 1772 from William Jenkins, Lord of the manor. Can you suggest any sources where I may find out more about the 2 ? farms and their occupants. This is the little that I know.
  • John Young (1735-1798), of Charlcomb, Camerton, Corston and Priston, son of Richard Young. John was a yeoman farmer, baptised on 8 December 1735 at Charlcomb, died 1798 at Camerton Court Farm and buried 6 January 1799 at Corston.He had 14 children and was a skilful, extensive and successful agriculturalist, farming a larger extent of land than anyone else in the neighbourhood, including Priston Manor Farm, Camerton Court Farm, an estate at Timsbury and his own estate at Corston. In 1782 he was awarded a silver cup, (the first award), for the best breed of sheep in the county. John had 9 sons engaged in farming and various business interests.
[Note from Priston Web "Our Millennium Book" says that Church Farm was the successor to the Manor or Great Farm of Priston. There is a picture of a 17th century granary in the Priston Web Photogallery sited on the Church Farm which presumably your ancestors would have been familiar with. Priston Mill Farm still exists under its own name and as an active farm - the Mill is a local attraction and wedding/conference venue. The mill was originally referenced in the Domesday Book although the current building dates from the 18th Century. They have a website on ]
(from Sam Young of Birmingham) I have traced my family tree back to a John Young (born 1761 in Priston, married to Mary Evans 1786 in Nailsea Church, and died 1824 in Nailsea) who is possibly the son of the John Young described in the above inquiry.
(from Richard Savory)
I have extensive details of the Young family going back to John Young's grandfather Aaron, b 1670 and d 1714 in Swanswick. These come from a privately printed book entitled "Miscellaneous Particulars Respecting The Descendants of Aaron Young" compiled by Martin Young, May 1872 which has found its way down the family to me (my gt-grandfather Savory's wife was a Young). If there are people in Priston who are interested in the Young family I'd be glad to photocopy the text of Martin Young's book for you, I don't think copyright law applies!
(from Rhonda Ferntop) I am wondering if you have any information that may connect with my Young family tree. My Isaac Young came over to South Australia with his wife Jane Perry in the ship called the Ceylon 1850 from UK. they lived and farmed in Publow area, although they say in the South Austr records that they came from Priston. (obviously very close) He was a Yeoman.
It is possible he may be related to Isaac Young who married Rachel Fowler 1811 (about) but I cannot prove anything yet.
(from Sarah Gell)
I am related to some Youngs who hailed from the Priston area and am trying to trace a Thomas and Jenny Young who had a son Aaron, who married Eliza Withey in 1835 in Dundry. If anyone can help me trace proof of Thomas & Jenny  I'd be most grateful. Thank you.
(from April Taylor)
My 92 year old Grandmother is Flora Kell Young, great granddaughter of Martin Young who wrote the book Miscellaneous Particulars Respecting The Descendants of Aaron Young in 1872.  For as long as I can remember, she has told me stories about how Martin was born in Jamaica and his parents that were missionaries. 
If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.
May 2015 WINDSOR (from Stephen Windsor - 2009)
Hi my name is Stephen Windsor. I have been reasearching my family history and have found that I have ancestors that once lived in your village. I was wondering if anybody has any information on anyone with the surname Windsor who may still live in Priston or the surrounding area. The people I have in my family tree are:-
  • John Windsor born 1852 his wife was Martha Golden born 1858
  • they had 9 children who are William (1879), Bessie (1882), Ellen (1884), Edward (1885), Mary Ann (1888), George (1894) Emily (1896) and James (1899).
  • John Windsor born 1822 His wife was Joice Smith born 1830
  • they had 10 children who are Mary Ann (1850), John (1852), Elizabeth (1856), Mark (1860), George (1862), James (1865), Isabella (1867), Alice (1869), Lucy (1872) and George (1876).
If you or anyone has any information that could help me with my family tree research I would be most grateful.

(from John Messer - 2011)
I have looked with interest at your web site and my research of the various censuses have uncovered the following:

George Windsor 1778-1865 is...
Described in the 1841 census as
George Winsor, 50, living at Preston, Priston, Somerset with
Anne Windsor 45
John Windsor, 20
Elizabeth, 15
George, 11
William, 6

Described in the 1851 census as
George Winsor, head, married, 73, Agricultural labourer, from Low House, Priston, Somerset living at Mill Farm, Priston
Ann Winsor wife, 63, labourer's wife Priston
George Winsor, son, 20, Ag Lab
William Winsor 13, Ag Lab

Described in the 1861 census as
George Windsor, Head, 81, Married, Agricultural labourer, from Lenham living at Mill Farm, Priston,
with Ann Windsor 72, wife
William Windsor 26,unmarried, Agricultural labourer

Record of death at Keynsham, in 1865 of George Windsor

John Windsor 1822-1903
Marriage recorded in 1849, at Keynsham, Somerset between
John Windsor and Joyce Smith
Described in the 1841 census as son of George Windsor, 50, living at Preston, Priston, Somerset with
Anne Windsor wife, 45
John Windsor, 20
Elizabeth, 15
George, 11
William, 6

Describe in the 1851 census as
John Windsor m 29, Ag Labourer living in Priston, Kensham, Somerset with
Joyce Windsor 21
Mary Ann 11 months
Hester Smith neice 12, Timsbury Somerset
No record in 1861 census
Described in the 1871 census as
John Windsor M 49, Ag: Lab living at Greenfield Cottage, Priston, Keynsham, Bath & Wells with
Joice [sic] Windsor, 41, Labore'rs wife
John Windsor 19, Unmar, Ag Lab
Mark Windsor 11, Ag Lab
George Windsor 8, scholar
James Windsor 6, scholar
Isabella Windsor 4

Described in the 1881 census as
John Windsor head, mar, 59, Agricultural Labourer, living at Priston, with
Joyce Windsor, wife 57
George Windsor, son, Unmar,18, Ag Lab
James Windsor, son Unmar, 16
Isabella Windsor 14, scholar Priston
Lucy Windsor, daughter, 8 scholar
George son, 5

Described in the 1891 census as
John Windsor, head, m 69, Agricultural Labourer, Priston, living at High Street, Priston with
Joice Windsor, wife, 61, 1830, High Littleton
George Windsor, son, 28, agricultural labourer
George Windsor, son, 15 agricultural labour
Described in the 1901 census as
John Windsor, head, mar 79, living in Priston with
Joyce Windsor, wife, 70, High littleton
George Windsor, son, single, 35 cattleman on farm

Record of death Kensham in 1903.

My Great Grandmother Isabella Windsor 1867-1939

Record of an Isabella Windsor born in Keynsham in March 1867
Described in 1871 census as daughter of
John Windsor M 49, Agricultural Labourer living at Greenfield Cottage, Priston, Keynsham, Bath & Wells with
Joyce Windsor, 41, Labourers wife
John Windsor 19
Mark Windsor 11
George Windsor 8
James Windsor 6
Isabella Windsor 4

Described in 1881 census as daughter of
John Windsor head, mar, 59, Agricultural Labourer, living at Priston, with
Joyce Windsor, wife 57
George Windsor, son, Unmar,18, Ag Lab
James Windsor, son Unmar, 16
Isabella Windsor 14, scholar Priston
Lucy Windsor, daughter, 8 scholar
George son, 5

It would then seem that in the 1880s some time between the age of 14 and 22 she left farm life at Priston for London because to continue...
Certificated Marriage on 3 August 1889 at St Helens Church, in the Parish of Kensington, between Henry James Messer 26 batchelor, and Isabella Windsor spinster 22, both living at 3 Calderne Place, Kensington.

No record in Census 1901
Described in the 1911 census as wife of
Henry James Messer 47, Painter, married to
Isabella 45, for 21 years,
11 children, 8 surviving.
Hilda Isabelle 20, general servant
Charles Henry 16, Page
George John 15, Butcher
Ethel Marion 14
Lillian Beatrice 11
Rose Grace 9
Rose Grace 9
Ernest Henry 6

Death recorded in 1939 in Kensington London

My grandfather George Messer lived in Kensington but the family broke up around the war time and and my branch re-emerged in Twickenham, Middlesex where I was born, and thence to Thames Ditton in Surrey and finally to Blackwater in Hampshire where I now live at the prime and retired age of 63. Whilst I have a West London accent, my children and grandchildren live nearby and have almost developed hampshire accents!
I await any news with interest and look forward to visiting Priston in September at the Festival.
John Messer.

(from John Messer 2015)

Thank you so much for putting me in touch with Pearl Broomfield.

It turns out that Pearl's grandfather, known to her as Harry, was in fact James Windsor, my great grandmother Isabella's elder brother by just 2 years. So we are in fact related through their parents, John and Joyce Windsor, all from Priston.

Do you know of an area in Priston referred to as The Dog?

In the 1881 census the family's address is recorded as 19 The dog.

It would appear that there were as many as 20 or so dwellings numbered 1 - 20 The Dog, Priston. In the 1901 and 1911 census the dwellings of the various Windsor households were just listed as 1 - 20, Priston.

I have the evidence by way of the UK census returns for 1871 and 1881, through to 1901 and 1911.

So thanks again. I would now like to find out if sometime after 1881, Isabella eloped, escaped or went with the family blessing. Her marriage to my great grandfather Henry James Messer was in Kensington in 1889.

If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.
Jul 2012 DENSLEY
(from David Judd)  I am undertaking family history research on my JUDD family, mainly of Oxfordshire and Warwickshire. I have recently discovered that a branch of the Warwickshire family (Radford Semele) had connections to Bath, so have been keeping a log of details and some of the parts of Bath where they were settled or worked. One of the earliest references to the family surname I have in Bath is for a William Judd (born circa 1740-1745) who married a Martha Densley of Priston (bapt on 30 March 1739 Priston) at St Marys Chapel, St Swithins, Walcot, Bath on 25 August 1765. Her parents are given as Richard and Mary Densley of Priston who married sometime in 1734. I would welcome any information on the Densley family history. I am also the Chairman of the local Bath Family History group which meets at St Marys Church hall at the bottom of Bathwick Hill on the 4th Monday of every month, details of our future meetings etc can be found online under Bristol & Avon Family History Society. We are a very friendly group with a core membership of about 50 members and would welcome any new members or prospective newcomers.
(from Hester Peach) My mother's maiden name was Densley, my grampy was George Densley. I was born at Rose Cottage, Englishcombe. Grampy was born there, also my mum's brothers and sisters and my brother and sister. There are Densley's in Australia and America. There used to be a cottage in Inglesbatch called Densley Cottage.
(from Tim Hughes) Below are entries of burials of the Densley family from my copy of the burial register 1813 onwards.
Name Year Age Date Buried
William Densley 1814 79 11 Mar
William 1832 4 4 Feb
Clementina 1834 64 8 Nov
Frederick Lewis 1865 2 22 June
Albert 1866 12 30 May
Mary Anne 1868 2 days 6 April
Sarah 1886 63 11 Jan
Basil 1892 69 12 April
Bertha 1924 52 10 Dec
Note:- All earlier records pertaining to Priston Church, birth, marriages etc are at the County Records Office in Taunton.
(from Richard Densley)
I am Richard Hilton Densley, Born 1941, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.
Densley family traced back to about 1800, Englishcombe, Bath.  One young male, about age 12, invloved in a local burglary, was shipped to Australia about 1812, aboard the Lady Castleleigh, I believe.  According to an interested geneologist there, the Densley name has become widespread and well respected.
There is much information available here in US concerning the Densley family members that left England and settled near Salt Lake City, Utah, as Morman converts.
(from Bill Densley)
I would appreciate it if any of your members had any information on my branch of the Densley family if it could be posted on the web.  My great great grandfather William was born in Bristol in 1836 to a Hannah Densley with a father unknown. He was baptised in 2nd Sept. 1849 at Holy Trinity Church in Kingswood. Hannah eventually married a James Morgan and they had a further 5 children.He retained the Densley name.It is believed that Hannah's parents were James Densley and Martha (surname unknown) They were born approx. 1775-90.  Any information regarding these people would be greatly appreciated.
(from Chris Dixon née Densley)
I noticed that you were seeking information regarding Martha Densley b.1739 with parents of Richard and Mary (nee Salma) Densley.  My maiden name was Densley and the Densley tree has been done back to c1530. I have in "my tree" those same people !!!  If you would like further names to build the "tree" please get in contact.
(from Roy White)
I see your entry on the internet for the Densley family.
James and Martha were ancestors of my wife.
I attach a word doc.with details, [ If you would like a copy of this please contact us.]
(from Sian Sealey)
I have read the info given about ‘the Densley’ surname and was thrilled to see this family tree info. My great grandmother was Mary Jane Densley, born in 1879 and married Joseph Gay. Recently I discovered the connection between my Great Grandmother’s ancestors and Priston. I would love to know the history of Priston in the 1600 – 1800, exchange info and receive some help to map the family treee. I was born in South Wales and still reside in the Rhondda Valleys , South Wales.
If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.
May 2012 BAKER
(from Julia Briggs - daughter of Doris Taylor)
Doris and Rose Taylor were evacuated during WWII to Tunley where they stayed with Mrs Baker in the Colliery  House.  There was also another girl evacuated with them called either Beryl or Brenda (they cannot remember her second name).  Rose went to Radstock School and Doris to Priston School.  Doris remembers to teachers coming to school every day in a car with their neice.  There were trips to Bath on a Saturday to the pictures.  They wallked there and caught the bus back.  Both Rose and Doris can remember standing on top of the slag heap at the back of the Colliery House watching Bath get bombed and the fires that lit up the sky.
The Baker's had an older daughter (probably late teens) when they were staying during their 3 years at the house.  Doris was disappointed to find the pub closed as she was interested to find a man that was christened at the time of her evacuation - he was called Guessit Barnes and he lived in what was known as the council houses just opposite the Colliery House.
If anyone has information concerning the Baker family or Barnes family of Tunley please contact us.
Oct 2011 MILSOM (from Sally Lakin) If you have any information regarding Marion Milsom, or the Milsom family, who lived in Wood Lodge, Priston in the early 1930's, please contact us.
Feb 2011 WITHERS (from Sharon Hughes née Withers) I am the great great grandaughter of Henry and Hannah Withers, they lived in Priston and my great grandfather George Withers was born in Priston in 1878, he had many siblings and they were Bertha, Emily, Ada, Frank, Albert, Frederick ? If anyone can give me any information I would be grateful.  Thanks.
If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.
Feb 2011 GAY (from Sami Wilkie) Some of my ancestors were inhabitants of Priston or at least were baptized in St. Luke’s church in the 1790’s.  If anyone has come across the Gay family, I would be really interested in finding out where they lived, as I am taking a trip to Bath this summer, with my 90 year-old Dad, to try and find out a bit more about the family.
The father was Benjamin Gay, a mason, born around 1760, baptized in Combe Hay.  His wife was Mary Jean(e)s, daughter of Thomas Jean(s).  Benjamin’s children were all baptized in St. Luke’s Priston: Paul 1791 (my gx3 grandfather), Jacob 1795, Giles 1798, Caroline 1800, Kezia 1808.
Son Paul was also a mason, and I am curious to find out where they could have been working, as I understand Priston is quite a small village.  Any ideas?
If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.
Jul 2020 TAYLOR
(from Sue Page) I'm researching my family history. My Grandfather was William Mercer Taylor, and he and his family lived in Priston when he was a child. He was born in 1897 and moved to Priston in the early 1900's (address unknown) He had 2 sisters at least, one called Gertrude, and one called Hilda. His mother was Elizabeth Taylor and his father John was an agricultural labourer. I'm wondering if anyone has any idea of an address or if there are any parish records that would show an address, in order that the family, (great, and great-great grandchildren can see where their forebears lived and originated from.
(from Tim Hughes)
I believe Elizabeth Taylor's family lived at Pottern on the road from Priston to Marksbury later moving to Wilmington and then to Priston at Rock Hill, finally to number 22 High Street to the right of the driveway to Hill Farm, now called 'Underhill' this being originally two cottages, no's. 21 and 22, Granny Taylor, as we knew her, lived in no. 22, nearest to the drive, where she died in the mid to late 1950's.
(from Eileen Smith née Taylor)  My grandparents were Elizabeth (born 1867, -nee Fletcher) and James Taylor, who lived at Rockhill House when I was a child.(I am 72 now). James died whilst living at Rockhill, and as all her seven children were grown, Granny moved to the small cottage at 22 Priston,  (now Underhill Cottage), aged 79.   When I was 11-14 years old, I loved cycling from my home in Keynsham, to visit her . When she was at Rockhill, I had lovely memories of running around the field playing chase with my cousin Richard Windsor, and blackberrying for Grannies' pies. My father was Alfred Sidney Taylor, Granny's eldest son, who looked after her vegetable garden as often as he could.   At 22, Priston, the washing copper was built into the corner of the kitchen, which on Mondays, was always full of steam, with granny in there somewhere!  There was no running water in the cottage, that had to be fetched in pails fron the tap (formerly a pump) accross the road.   Granny was the happiest of souls, with always a smile for everyone, and a hard working woman to the end.  When I last  visited her, I found her digging potatoes in her garden - aged 93 !!  Granny died aged 93, when I was in hospital giving birth to my first born, which was July 1960.  (The above information means that the info referring to Granny Taylor in the Millenium Book is incorrect).  My grandfather James had a brother, whose son was Lionel Taylor,( who had one leg, though I dont know how that came about).  Lionel was landlord of the Dog Inn for about 40 years.  I wonder if Sue Page , who left info in the Village history section, was a relation from this line?  I have a photo of Elizabeth Taylors' mother with Theodore  my father's cousin, (who went to Wales to work in mines),  also Julie (I believe, who I understood  to have died young), and my Great Aunt Em, Granny Taylor's sister,who  later lived in Wells Rd., Bristol and never married.  I have futher family history concerning my Great grandparents, with photographs.   It would be interesting to hear from any other family members who would be interested in sharing details.
(from Ralph Whittaker)  Eileen states; “I have a photo of Elizabeth Taylor’s mother with Theodore, my father’s cousin, (who went to Wales to work in the mines),”… My great grandfather was Theodore James Biggs, born 1879 at Foxcote, (who went to Wales to work in the mines).  His mother was Mary Taylor, born circa 1856, who married Harry Henry Biggs born 1856 in the Wellow area, I think that this might be the same family?  I knew my great gramps Theodore (some in the family referred to him as “Jim”), when I was a boy & he lived at Rose Cottage, Turners Tower, and died in 1965.  I would be grateful for any copies of photo’s.  Also Theodore Biggs married Patience Love from Stony Littleton; her mother was Rebecca Bush from Priston! I believe that her parents were George Bush born circa 1795, and Caroline Rogers born circa 1806.  Does anyone have any info on the Rogers or Bush families from Priston?  I believe a Mary Rogers (possibly Caroline’s sister) lived at Rock Hill in 1858. Where is Rock Hill?  I would be most interested in any information however small.
(Note from Priston Web)  Rock Hill can be found at the following location.  See further information on Rock Hill and the Parfitt family who lived there in the early 1900's..
(from Lisa Waite)
Regarding Sue Page's post - I think William Mercer Taylor might be my grandfather too. As far as I know, my grandfather was William, born in Priston, and his mother was called Elizabeth Taylor. I have also been told that Fletcher was a family name. This William married Doris (Dolly) Green in either the late 20's or very early 30's and moved to Saltford, where he apparantly worked for the water board during the Second World War. He was also a keen gardener and grew his own vegetables. William and Dolly had four children, David, Enid (my mother,) Colin and Christopher.
 Sadly, William abandoned this family in the late 50's/early 1960's and went on to have a second family with someone else. My mother never saw her father again, and I never met my grandfather. I did however, meet his sister, Great Auntie Bessie Bird, on many occasions. She was a very talented artist and a lovely lady who lived at Newton St Loe. I would be very interested in any information or verification, and am especially keen to discover anything about Doris Green or her origins. All I know is that she went to school in Bath and had a sister called Vera and a brother called Albert (Bertie) who was in the RAF during the war. Her mother was called Alice and had waist-length red hair, a gene that has been passed down to my mother, my Uncle Christopher, my brother and I. Again - my knowledge is scanty, but my mother has a recollection that Alice's parents were Norwegian immigrants - hence the Viking hair!
 Incidentally, I have heard my mother refer to a cousin Eileen - so I wonder if this is the lady (Eileen Smith) who posted earlier?
(from Tina)
I saw some information on your website: about Doris Green.
I have her in my family tree. She was born in 1900 in Croydon. Her father, Harry Green was the brother of my great grandmother, Nora Green. Her mother was Alice Elizabeth Philpot and she had a sister, Vera, born in 1911. Harry was a draper and died in 1951. I wasn’t aware of the brother, Bertie.
I hadn’t been able to accurately trace Doris until now, having seen your website, as she has such a common name.
I have considerable information about the Green family going back several generations, if you are interested? The family origins are in Hampshire and Cambridgeshire.
I would also be interested to know if you have any information for Doris’ sister, Vera? And Bertie, too!
My website is:, where you are welcome to register an account.
If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.
Dec 2009 GIBBS
(from Peter Effer) I descend from Thomas Gibbs and his wife Mary's eldest daughter Elizabeth.  I know that Thomas and Mary both passed at Somerset.  I was at the church in the summer of 2008 and noticed some large Gibbs family gravestones, but could not make out any of the writing.  I was wondering if you had any information on the Gibbs family.  Possibly someone wrote down the information before the stones were worn out.  A last name for Mary would be great. 
 Of the same family descends the Green family of Priston.  Sarah Gibbs, youngest daughter of Thomas and Mary married James Brown in Publow and passed in Priston in 1814.  James and Sarah had a daughter Phobe, likely named after Sarah's sister Phobe.  Phobe Brown married John Green.  These Greens lived in Priston for a great deal of the 1800s.  Any further information on the Greens would be great as well.
 The will of Thomas Gibbs is a wonderful document stored in the Somerset Record Office somehow surviving the destruction of most of the other wills. 
 Just thought I would drop a line and share some family thoughts of my ancestral home.  I hope to return sometime soon.
For further information on the Green family please see under information under the Hart family and the Green family.
If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.
Jul 2008 VAUGHAN-JENKINS (from Deborah Lane) I have been reading your web site and notice a number of entries relating to William Vaughan Jenkins and family. I am researching family history and one of my ancestors married William Vaughan Jenkins in 1878.  They then moved from her home town of Wolborough, Devon to Limpley Stoke.  Is this the same family who owned Coombe Grove manor, now a hotel?  Do you know of anyone who would give me any information about the family or who would be interested in the bits I know?
If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.
May 2008 BENDY (from Helen Ball) Our ancestors lived in Priston and Englishcombe. Thomas Bendy was the parish clerk of Englishcombe from 1770 until his death. He was born in South Stoke but part of the family lived in Priston. Thomas was an exception as most Bendys in the area were blacksmiths.
(from David Bendy)
I would like to add to the information provided by Helen Ball about the Bendy familyand also to acknowledge her help.
Helen mentions Thomas Bendy, parish clerk for Englishcombe.  He was my great x4 grandfather.  His brother James (b. 1740/1 Southstoke) made his home in Priston with his wife Rachel Mitchell.  They had at least 8 children, all born in Priston.  They were  Ann (1764), Thomas (1766), James (1768-1779), Rachael (1768), George (1773/4-1779), James (1781), Priscilla (1782) and Harriet (1785). James died in Priston in 1799 and Rachel in 1811.  My nephew - and thus a direct decendent of James Bendy's Engliscombe brother Thomas - was married in Priston church recently.  He did not know of the family connection when he arranged the wedding and does not live in the immediate Bath area.....quite a coincidence. The gravestone of  two of James' and Rachel's sons can be found at the side of the churchyard with the inscription still readable: George, aged 5 and the first James, aged 11.  They died within weeks of one another in 1779.  There is also a stone which must have stood at the foot of the grave inscribed 'G.B.  J.B.  1779'.
Oct 2007 FRY
(from Jayne Yeandle née Fry) I recently visited Priston for the first time in at least 20 years. I'm eager to re-capture the memories of my childhood spent in Priston with my Grandmother and Grandfather (Stanley and Lena Fry). I was sure Grampy was buried under the large tree in the church yard but could find no evidence on my visit! As my father (Brian John Fry) has sadly passed away also both Grandparents, I would be thrilled if anyone could remember anything at all about my family - good or bad. It would certainly help to finish the jigsaw in my mind!! Thank you in anticipation, Jayne adds: As far as I am aware Charlie Fry was Grampy's brother, I met him a few times but was too young to make the connection in my mind.
(from Trish in Australia)
My mother's maiden name was Fry, her father was James Fry, son of John Fry & Emily Parfitt. My Grandfathers brother was William John Fry and he had a son Charles that lived in Priston all his life, he died in 2002.
(from Carol) I am Charlie Fry's eldest daughter Carol. My dad was cousins with Stan. I was Brian's bridesmaid when he married Lorraine. Stanley Fry I think is buried by the tree by the pathway, opposite the pathway to the tree, somewhere near the grave of the 'Sewerts'. I hope you find this a help and if you would like any more info please contact us back
(from Tim Hughes)
We moved to Priston in 1947 and therefore grew up with Brian and Gerald, his brother. They lived in the cottage now called 'Minnies' alongside the gates to the Rectory, as it was then. They moved into the Council houses, newly built, in 1951, oppposite my house 'The Croft'. Lena's father, Grampy Knott, also lived there until he died, Lena worked around the village, at the shop and cleaning job's and later at 'The Mill' with Lil Fry, Charlie Fry's wife, he had two brothers, Bill and Jack Fry. Stan worked at Fry's in Keynsham for years going to and fro on his N.S.U moped, he later got a Robin Reliant car which he used when later working for British Railways at Westbury as a guard and then later at Merehead quarry before he became ill and later died. Lena stayed on in Hill View until her memory became very bad and was moved into an old people's home. Stan's head stone was removed from the churchyard after Lena died and has never been returned. As children we all played together joining in the bell ringing and also in the church choir etc. Gerald is , I believe, a taxi driver in Bath, but I have not seen him for years. You may remember that Stan was a very keen gardener and took great pleasure in landscaping his garden with little walls and steps and had at least two ponds full of goldfish, he also had an aviary full of budgies, later he got an electronic organ and taught himself to play! I am pretty sure Stan was in the navy during the war. Tim adds"on checking Church records, Stan's grave is next to James Hewlitt's at the rear of the churchyard".
(from  Mike Lewis) William John Knott (my wife Angela's Grandfather) was born 30th April 1878 in Badminton South Gloucestershire.   He married Kate Woodman on the 10th August 1901 in St. Mary's Parish Church Acton Turville South Gloucestershire.  About 1911 Grampy Knott moved to Priston and lived in a small cottage now named 'Minnies' situated on the right leading up the lane to the Rectory.
Grandmother Knott died in 1931 and Grampy died in Priston in 1960 whilst living with his daughter Lena and Stanley Fry.
William and Kate had  six children Elsie May born 1902. Ethel, Ivy Kate born 1908, Frederick William born 1910, Walter Edward born 1918 ( my wife's father) and Lena Margaret .
Lena married Stanley Fry in 1941 at St. Lukes Parish Church Priston. There were two children Brian and Gerald.
Angela thinks that her grandparents William and Kate are buried in an unmarked grave somewhere near the wall to the left of the cemetery as you enter from the small gate.  Stanley and Lena are buried in an unmarked grave under a large tree in front of you as you enter the cemetery from the small gate.  There are probably records existing to indicate exactly where both graves are situated.
I have compiled a Family Tree of the Knott Family and should Jayne or anyone be interested to see this or would like to ask any questions at all about the Knott of Fry families perhaps they may like to contact me.
[Note from Priston Web : See photos of the bench commemorating Charlie Fry and Jim Nokes ]
If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.
Aug 2007 WARD (from Ken Rees) I'm researching my wife's family history, and I'm wondering if anyone has any information on the Ward's.
Giles Ward b. 1831 in Priston. Married Sarah Beal of Combe St. Nicholas in 1856.  His father was William Ward b. July 1807 in Priston. Married Ann Heasell of Old Sodbury, Glouc. in Oct. 1827 in Priston.  His father was James Ward b. 1781 in Priston. Married Hesther ?, she was born in 1784 in Stanton Prior.
I would appreciate any aditional information that anyone has on the families.
(from Tim Hughes)
Please find below information pertaining to the Ward family from the Priston burial register.
Name Place Date  of Burial Age
Hannah Ward Wilmington Sept 29 1820 4 mths
Hannah Ward Priston May 13 1824 90 yrs
William Ward Priston Mar 13 1837 26 yrs
Mary Ward Keynsham Dec 23 1837 67 yrs
Eliza Ward Wilmington Apr 27 1851 36 yrs
John Ward Priston Oct 23 1853 58 yrs
Esther Ward Priston Mar 12 1854 79 yrs
James Ward Wilmington Feb 24 1856 6 mths
Martha Ward Priston May 2 1856 89 yrs
George Ward Priston Jan 5 1861 91 yrs
George Ward Priston Mar 24 1861 54 yrs
James Ward Keynsham Apr 20 1862 88 yrs
Daniel Ward Wilmington June 26 1866 62 yrs
Ann Ward Priston Nov 27 1878 79 yrs
Thomas Ward Keynsham Jan 12 1880 72 yrs
Isaac Ward Priston Dec 17 1885 70 yrs

If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.
Jul 2007 CURTIS
(from Ann Head) I'm tracing my family tree through my great-grandparents Arthur Curtis & Beauletia Pascoe, who married at St. Lukes Church, Priston on 1st September 1903. In 1901 Arthur & Beauletia were both working at Wilmington Farm. Arthur's parents were Stephen & Fanny (nee Francis). On the 1851 Census Stephen, aged 5 years, is living in Priston with his parents Thomas & Ann (nee Davis) and his sister Charlotte. Their address is Rock Hill (the preceding entry on the Census page is listed as School House, so it looks like they lived next door). On the Francis side, Fanny's parents were Joseph & Elizabeth (nee Shellard), and Elizabeth's parents were William & Mary Chellard (they seem to have decided to change the spelling of the name around 1860). The Shellard & Francis families come from the Combe Hay/Wellow area. If anyone has any information about these families and their connection with Priston, I would be very grateful.
If you have any further information on this family then please contact us
Jun 2007
(from David Mooon) I am trying to trace my family history and find that my Greatx3 Grandfather James Rivers
married a Hannah Crease in Priston on 24-11 1833.  Her father was Richard Crease but I can find nothing more about the Crease family.  Can anyone in Priston help me go back further?
(from Tim Hughes)
Please find below information pertaining to the Crease family from the Priston burial register.
Name Place Date of Burial Age
Maria Crease Bath 15 Dec 1844 22yrs
Mary Crease Wilmington 3 Jan 1847 69yrs
Richard Crease Wilmington 11 June 1848 66yrs

If you have any further information on this family then please contact us
Apr 2007
FRANKHAM (from Sharon Jackson) I am also tracing my family tree and my family originate from Priston.
I have a copy of the banns for George Frankham and Martha Lansdown 1792 Priston. I need to visit the area to further my research.  In the meantime I have the following information:-
Martha Frankham (Aged 70 - retired school mistress) is on the census in 1841 as living with her son John Frankham living in Priston.
My great great great grandfather, John Frankham (1807-1875) whose occupation was a carpenter married Charlotte King (1811-1873) and I have a copy of their banns 1835. I've yet to find out if they married at Priston Church.
In 1851 they lived at Hill Farm, Priston.  The 1861 census does not give an address.  In 1871 they are listed as living at Brookley House. I have not been able to find anything out about Brookley House. They had many children who also remained in the Priston area.
I would be interested to know if Hill Farm and Brookley House still exist and any information on the area or family would be most welcome. Thank you
(from Robert Owen)
I am researching our family tree and came across your web site.
My mother’s mother was Elizabeth Frankham
Her father was Peter Frankham
His father was John Frankham
Sharon Jackson shares John Frankham as our great… grandfather.
(from the Priston Web)
Hill Farm is no longer a working farm but still exists as a group of residential properties (see nos 33-36 on detailed map).   Our Millennium Book states Hill Farm House was built in the mid-late 1700's and originally comprised three thatched cottages.  Great Croft Field, part of Hill Farm,  was the site of a Roman villa, and also the location of a Roman coffin discovered in 1917 which is now to be found in the porch of Priston Church.
(from Tim Hughes)
Please find below information pertaining to the Frankham family from the burial register.

Date of burial
George Frankham Priston May 28 1836 2 months
George Frankham Priston Jan 15 1841 78 years
Mary Frankham Priston July 16 1847 43 years
Martha Frankham Priston Aug 22 1851 80 years
Charlotte Frankham Priston Mar 2 1873 62 years
John Frankham Priston May 14 874 68 years
Thomas Frankham Priston Dec 29 1880 70 years
Mary Frankham Priston Dec 3 1902 80 years
Edward Frankham Priston Mar 5 1918 65 years
John Frankham Priston Keynsham Oct 26 1920

All other Parish records can be found at Taunton.

If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.
Mar 2007
(from Jim Lippiatt)
I thought I could put things straight about the Roman coffin in the church porch. This was discovered by one George King who worked for my father & lived at Ivy Cottage at the top of Turning. He was doing some drainage work in Cratt or the Barn Close as it's also known, anyway he came to the house & told father he had found a bloody gurt stwun to use the local vernacular. Father on hearing this went with him to the site as he had heard of previous finds in the area at Farmborough & thought it may be something like this.  They carefully uncovered it & found the skeleton of a Roman lady who Dr Bulleid of Bath who was an archeolagist put her at age 33.  Also in the coffin were two silver bracelets which were given to the museum by the wishes of Capt Vaughan -Jenkins --- my father did not buy Hill Farm until a year or two later.
By the way I've been thinking about Sally Stevens' cottage - it may have been in the bottom corner of Bagnells Tyning.  You go up Priston hill turn right at the top & on the next corner where you turn left for Withyditch there were the remains of two old cottages so my father said.   They were pulled down & the ground absorbed into the field. The foregoing may be of some interest to you.   I hope so,we are quite an old family in the area.   My great great great granfarher farmed at Mill Farm in the late 1600s so I think we could truthfully claim our family to be the oldest in the village.
(from the Priston Web)
Click here for photos of Lippiatt family members.
Mar 2007
(from Bob Feltham)
I am researching my maternal family line of WYATT, LONG, GREEN and HART all of Priston.

Significant names are
William Wyatt about 1800
Miriam Long about 1814
William Long 18 Jun 1780
Sarah Green about 1781
John Long about 1741
Hannah Hart about 1747

Anyone with information on these persons that could put meat to the bones of just dates would be very much appreciated.

(from Tim Hughes)

Please find below information pertaining to the families of Wyatt, Long and Green from the burial register.

Date buried
Harriett Green 1814 5 June 8 mths
Sarah Green 1817 2 November 1 day
Martha Green 1817 2 November 3 days
Miriam Green 1819 19 February 1 year
Mary Ann Green 1821 7 April 11 mths
William Green 1821 16 April 69 years
Ann Green 1823 25 February 20 mths
Betty Green 1826 4 July 83 years
John Green 1831 21 August 75 years
Joseph Green 1832 18 April 13 mths
Phebe Green 1834 29 May 77 years
Phebe Green 1835 20 March 20 years
Henry Green 1837 22 August 24 years
Phebe Green 1840 15 March 3 years
Ann Green 1841 26 June 67 years
James Green 1845 28 March 59 years
Ann Green 1848 12 May 9 years
John Green 1857 18 September 61 years
Catherine Green 1860 18 March 67 years
William Green 1864 28 October 74 years
Ann Green 1867 2 August 68 years
Edward Thomas Green 1868 28 March 1 year
Mary Ann Green 1868 17 October 39 years
Martha Green 1885 30 March 81 years

John Long 1832 13 July 61 years
Hannah Long 1833 25 November 86 years
Martha Long 1840 1 May 75 years
William Long 1848 24 April 68 years
Sarah Long 1849 23 July 72 years
Elizabeth Long 1850 5 November 31years
Sidney Long 1856 13 June 6 mths
Elizabeth Long
1864 20 July 51 years
Francis Winifred Long 1885 2 January 59 years
William Frederick Long 1891 19 October 70 years
Charles Frederick Long 1893 15 June 5 mths
William Charles Long 1896 20 June 34 years
Percy Long 1919 11 July 68 years
Elizabeth Long 1925 6 September 68 years
Sarah Ann Long 1939 5 May 80 years

Samual Wyatt 1872 25 March 80 years

There is a record of a James Wyatt who farmed at Pressbarrow Farm and Widdicombe Farm around the 1830's. All other Parish records can be found at Taunton.

If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.
August 2006 BLACKER COLBORN (from Anne Fraser) I was wondering if you could help me. I have been researching my family history and have a marriage in 1846 between Edwin Blacker and Sophia Colborn. Her father was Joseph Colborn and was described as a smith. Edwin was a mallster and on the 1851 census Edwin gives his occupation as retail brewer and Sophia gives her birth place as Priston. I think Edwin's grandmother who was Elizabeth Brookman may also have come from Priston.
(from Tim Hughes)
Below are entries of burials of the Colborn/Colborne family from my copy of the burial register 1813 onwards.
Name Year Age Date Buried
Sarah Colburne 1813 4 months 3 Mar
Cornelius Colborn 1821 35 2 April
Catherine Colborn 1831 44 11 Feb
Thomas Colborne 1835 88 13 Feb
Martha Colborn 1854 72 1 Dec
Fanny Colborn 1864 10 19 Oct
Sarah Anne Colborn 1865 62 19 June
John Colborn 1868 36 8 Sept
Mary Colborn 1877 41 26 Oct
Thomas Colborn 1878 69 19 April
Anne Colborne 1895 89 22 Feb
Henry Frank Colborne 1902 1 Month 7 Feb
George Colborne 1924 87 29 Oct
Ronald Morris Colborne 1925 11 weeks 29 Apr
Thomas Colborne, Blacksmith, is entered in the Post Office Directory of 1858 and a George Colborne shows up until 1925 as a Blacksmith, I understand that the Blacksmiths shop closed down around this date. There is also a Leslie Colborn entered on the roll of honour to those killed in the 1914/18 war in the church . Note:- All earlier records pertaining to Priston Church, birth, marriages etc are at the County Records Office in Taunton.
If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.
June 2006 WYATTT Visit for details of the Wyatt family who lived in Priston from the 16th - 18th century, with acknowledgements to Commissioner Bill James of Mecklenberg, North Carolina. Details includes a reference to William Wyatt whose will of 1593 left a sheep to Priston Church with instructions that it not be sold but "to remain as a stock to the Church". (you will need to scroll down the page to see the details)
See under the Hart family for further info re the Wyatt family.
April 2005 BARTLETT (from Janet Wright) My great, great grandmother, Mary Ann was born in Priston in April 1846 to a George and Sarah Bartlett, (nee Townsend from Stanton Prior). According to the 1851 census they lived at Mill Farm, presumably in a farm cottage as George's occupation was 'farm labourer'. Besides Mary Ann, they had two other children born in Priston. There is a James Bartlett aged 28 and born in Berkeley,Soms, listed as farmer of 260 acres and employing 7 labourers at Mill Farm itself, but our George was born in Priston and I haven't found any connection yet between the two men. Mary Ann Bartlett moved to London and married and by 1887 had at least 7 children, the eldest was named Mary Ann and was my great grandmother who lived until 1965. I live in Cornwall and would love to hear if anyone can tell me more about George Bartlett and family or anything about Mill farm and surroundings.
If you have any further information on this family then please contact us.
June 2004 PARFITT See photos of Parfitt family members and Rock(hill) House in the early 1900's.
Harry Parfitt of Nottingham writes: My father (Charles Henry) was born in Priston in 1900 and lived in the village until the early twenties. My g.great grandad Silas is buried in the cemetry at Priston. The family were Henry, Louise (Mum and dad) William Silas, Florenca May, and Charles Henry. I am led to believe they lived in Rock House (and at that time it was three houses) with a school teacher living next door. Any information would be very gratefully received. Please email me at

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